Antarctic Krill Oil - Omega 3

Antarctic Krill Oil - Omega 3 (dx221)

60 marine gelatine capsules (500mg):

A pure and natural source of high concentration Omega 3 oil, the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin and high levels of phospholipids - a fundamental component of human cell membranes.

Our krill oil (Euphausia superba) is sourced exclusively from sustainable fisheries in the Antarctic, through Aker BioMarine™ who work with World Wildlife Foundation Norway to ensure sustainable krill harvesting.

Used for the same reasons as cod liver oil, flax oil or other omega 3 fatty acids, krill oil doesn't cause fishy burps or an after-taste - a common side effect of fish oil.  As the krill are bottom of the food chain 

Beneficial for:

  • mental and physical health (Omega oil)
  • antioxidant intake (immunity)
  • healthy cell membranes
  • heart health
  • circulation
  • hormonal balance
  • joint health and flexibility
  • concentration
  • stable moods
  • healthy cholesterol levels
  • inflammatory conditions
  • hair, skin and nails
  • healthy weight loss
  • muscle recovery and growth.


60 marine gelatine capsules per pot

Antarctic krill oil - 500mg
Total phospholipids (g/100g) 43g+
Triglycerides (g/100g) <50g
Total omega-3 (g/100g) 24g+

  • Contains no: added sugar, wheat, gluten, dairy or yeast.
  • Not suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


1 - 3 capsules per day with food or as advised by a health practitioner.  Some schools of thought believe there is advantage in taking both Omega 3-6-9 and Krill Oil for maximum benefit.

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