Shop With Confidence

Welcome to the detox Online Shop

I firmly believe that good health and natural beauty come from within.  To feel great and look your radiant  best you need to be well nourished and hydrated.  There is no point slathering moisturiser on your skin if you are dry from within and no amount of exercise will make you healthy if you don't eat, digest, absorb and eliminate well.  

Natural Products That Work - I Guarantee It
Natural effective products that work - chemical and pharmaceutical free

All the products I stock are made from natural ingredients - I wouldn't have it any other way.  And they all do exactly what they promise.  In addition, they are all practitioner quality and unlike anything you can buy on the HighStreet.  I would like you to be a customer for a long time so its important that I supply you with great quality products that deliver.  It might take a little trial and error to find the right combination but once you do you wont look back.  And once you have experienced the benefits of a well functioning digestive tract you'll wonder why you put up with it being "out of order" for so long. 

How To Choose

All the products have been arranged under Conditions or Symptoms such as IBS, Candida and constipation to make it easier for you to locate and choose the right items.  I have also listed the products under their type for example Fibre Supplements, Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes etc. I hate it when I visit a web site and everything looks great and it all sounds like it would do me good - it confuses me and I end up buying nothing.  There is no point over loading yourself with numerous products. 

My Advice is to Deal With One Issue At a Time

...and start from the inside out and the bottom up.  So what do I mean by that?  I think probably the most obvious example is, if you are constipated and have poor skin, deal with the constipation first.  Carrying around loads of toxic waste not only makes you feel tired and a bit snappy, it makes your skin and eyes dull, your tummy bloated etc.  You may be surprised how good your skin will look once you get everything moving.

Happy to Help

If you are still not sure what you need, or if any of my products are suitable for you, then I am happy to offer you a free telephone consultation or we can communicate by email.  Have a look through the products.  You will find remedies for constipation, suggestions for IBS relief, indigestion and heart burn help, candida diet, supplements for candida and get in touch if you need help.


Disclaimer: Whilst we are happy to provide products and services and share information with you which may help you to improve your health and wellbeing, we do not “diagnose”, “treat” or aim to “cure” any disease. The information provided here is part of a self-help programme and is all readily available in the public domain. When you are making changes, particularly if you have significant underlying health problems, it makes sense to check with your doctor before going ahead. Please note that under UK Law only a medical doctor can diagnose or treat illness with a medical origin.

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