Candida Albicans - Kill the Yeast to Restore Balance

Candida Albicans - When Yeast Takes Over

Many people who visit my practice have an overgrowth of Candida! It’s both bad news and good: it can be tricky to get rid of, but at least they know why they feel so tired and run down all the time. 
Everyone has some yeast (Candida Albicans), its a natural part of your intestinal flora and fauna, but an overgrowth undermines your health, suppresses your immune system, makes you tired and depressed, causes IBS, poor digestion, bloating, makes you fat or thin, gives you diarrhoea or constipation (and often alternates between the two) causes recurrent infections .......I could go on but I think you get the picture.


What Causes Candida Albicans?
Candida Albicans Self Help

In healthy bodies Candida is controlled by friendly bowel bacteria which feast on the yeasty organisms. When the balance of bacteria is disrupted an overgrowth of yeast develops rapidly.

The following create perfect conditions for yeast to flourish:

•  Antibiotic use
•  Stress
•  Poor diet
•  Vitamin, mineral, and enzyme deficiencies
•  Low fat (high sugar) foods
•  Too much alcohol
•  Heavy metal poisoning
•  The Pill, steroids and HRT
•  Environmental toxins
•  Constipation or diarrhoea


How Would I Know If I Have Candida?
The Candida Spit Test

If you have reviewed the list of causes and the list of symptoms (which you will find lower down the page) and they soundfamiliar to you then take the spit test.  The spit test is an easy and relatively reliable indicator (in conjunction with other indicators) of the presence of an over growth of yeast (candida albicans).   If you feel less than 100% healthy then I recommend you do the test, it takes a couple of minutes and you have nothing to lose.

Have a glass of plain tap water by your bed. In the morning, before drinking or eating, spit on the top of the water and observe. If the spit disperses then you are in the clear. If anything grows under the spit, speckles appear in the water, a cloudy pool sinks to the bottom or all the water turns cloudy, you have an overgrowth of candida.

How Do I Get Rid of Candida?
Candida Albicans Spit Test

To eradicate Candida Albicans (candidaiasis, yeast overgrowth) you need to remove the yeasts source of sustenance, take supplements to kill the yeast and then work to restore bowel bacteria and nutritional status.

There are many approaches to dealing with candida and a whole host of opnions about what you can and can't eat.  The programme outlined here is what I offer my clients.  It has been tried and tested.  Many people have followed the plan and got great results.  You may wish to search for alternatives on the internet however be warned that there is much conflicting information and lots of it is not useful at all. Searching for more information may well end up with you just being overwhelmed.

You will find many claims of amazing cures, supplements that are supposed to eradicate candida in 12 hours etc.  I have investigated extensively and have never found an amazing cure that delivered on its promise.  In my experience, eradicating candida takes time and patience.

With the diet and supplements available here, it is likely that you will start to feel much better very soon. Clients have reported noticeable improvement in as little as three days and significant changes in two to three weeks: you could feel better than you have for years.  We've put together a Starter Pack at a discounted price to get you through your first three weeks detox Anti Candida Therapy Starter Pack.  Or you can start by changing your diet and taking Go Daily for the first week and (if you are not having a cleansing reaction) then add in the Total Gut Therapy Pack.  If you order either of these options I will send instructions to advise how to start taking the supplements.

Below is all the information you need to deal with a candida overgrowth.  If you have any questions, need help or would like to book a food sensitivity test then please e-mail:


Why Do People Get Candida?

As I mentioned earlier, everyone has some yeast in their body.  When we are healthy Candida lives in our colons and competes with bacteria for space.  Normally our stomachs and small intestines are hostile to yeast (they are too acidic).  However when the good bacteria that normally feed on the yeasty organisms are absent the yeast flourishes.

What Are the Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth?

The following are all symptoms of an over-growth of Candida:

  • bloated abdomen and/or abdominal pain
  • IBS symptoms
  • Constipation and/or diarrhoea
  • slow and foggy mind
  • white coating on your tongue or inside your mouth
  • anal itching
  • chronic sinus problems
  • constant fatigue
  • feeling old and worn out
  • food cravings (especially for sugar and refined carbohydrates but it could also be for something like Diet Coke or coffee)
  • food sensitivities
  • hair loss
  • headaches
  • heartburn, indigestion, and/or gas
  • herpes
  • intimate yeast infections and/or itchy skin rashes
  • mood swings, memory or concentration difficulties
  • premenstrual symptoms
  • red, itchy eyes
  • sensitivity to moulds, dampness, environmental pollution, cigarettes, and certain smells
  • skin fungus infections – ringworm, athlete's foot, tinea cruris (jock itch) or nail problems
  • sore muscles and joints
  • urinary tract infections
  • recurrent thrush
  • waking up tired
  • weight loss or gain
  • worried and depressed about always feeling lousy
  • Diabetics, people with an under active thyroid and coeliacs are all prone to yeast overgrowth

Candida vs Healthy Bacteria

As I mentioned earlier, everyone has some yeast in their digestive tract.  When we are healthy, Candida lives happily in our large intestine where it competes with bacteria for room. Normally, the stomach and small intestine are hostile to yeast as they are too acidic.

However, when the good bacteria that normally feed on Candida Albicans are absent, an overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal tract can develop rapidly because conditions have become favourable to their growth.

Many of the things we eat, coupled with health-related conditions, can create an environment in which healthy bacteria cannot thrive and which creates the ideal environment for candida.

•  Antibiotics - destroy bacteria that are protective and antifungal allowing yeast to thrive.
•  Diabetes
•  Diet – especially those high in fermentable carbon sources such as mono- or dimeric sugars (sucrose, glucose, and lactose) – plays a key role in encouraging yeast overgrowth.
•  Heavy metal poisoning
•  Hormonal changes (puberty, sexual maturity, pregnancy, sterilization, menopause including peri- and post-menopause)
•  Hormonal fluctuations
•  Low blood sugar

•  Stress
•  Prescription drugs such as birth control pills, corticosteroids, and HRT
•  Vitamin, mineral, and enzyme deficiencies

Many factors associated with Candida overgrowth are disruptive to the body's endocrine system, causing hormonal abnormalities that, in turn, can be aggravated by antibiotics, and even by Candida Albicans itself. 

Illnesses Linked to Candida Albicans

Candida decomposes cell membranes, so its presence in large numbers is a sign that your immune system is fighting a losing battle to keep yeast under control. A weakened immune system will wreak havoc on your overall health leaving you prone to infections, inflammation, colds and flu.

During a long-term infestation, yeast can change into its fungal form, developing roots that implant themselves in the intestinal wall or other mucosal linings.  These roots enable the toxic by-products of fermentation and other harmful material generated by the fungus to be absorbed, which can result in an immunological reaction. This, in turn, can develop into a yeast syndrome affecting all of the body's systems.

A host of health problems are linked to Candida overgrowth:

•  Acne or psoriasis
•  Allergies
•  Diabetes
•  Digestive disorders including weight gain, gas, bloating, colitis
•  Ear infections
•  Emotional upsets and depression
•  Energy imbalances or insomnia
•  Hormonal problems
•  Hyperactivity/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
•  Hypoglyceamia
•  Hypothyroidism
•  Lung problems
•  Obesity
•  Weight loss
•  Pollen allergies
•  Reproductive organ disorders
•  Sensitivities to foods, chemicals, and/or moulds
•  Susceptibility to viruses, bacterial, and other infections
•  Thyroid problems

Take some time to think about when you first started to experience symptoms. When did you start to feel exhausted? Was it around the time or shortly after other events such as periods of stress, hormonal changes (such as pregnancy), antibiotic use, surgery etc. Doing this exercise will help you to determine how long you may have had your Candida overgrowth and will give you some idea of how difficult it will be to get rid of (although this is only a very basic guideline and it varies from person to person). If for example you have been feeling unwell for a long time then it is likely to take longer to completely eradicate the yeast.

Some practitioners believe that Candida overgrowth can lead to the onset of chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue symptom (CFS), fibromyalgia, Epstein-Barr virus, lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's, Crohn's disease, arthritis, cancer, and autism.

Some Preparation Will Make the Task Easier
Yummy Olives Et Al Olives Are Good For Your Tummy

Rather than going off half-cocked, it is well worth doing some preparation so getting rid of Candida is as easy as it can be.  Spend some time working out what you are going to be eating, what you will need for snacks and identifying times when it may become difficult.  Giving it some thought beforehand and planning will mean you are more likely to succeed.

Olives make a fantastic snack for Candida sufferers.  Not only are they packed with vitamins and healthy oils, they have an added benefit in the fight against Candida.  Candida Albicans dies on contact with olive oil in a laboratory petrie dish - so chomp away.  Not all olives are equal however and many have very nasty additives.  The only olives in the UK that I eat and recommend are those from Olives Et Al.  If you would like to buy them mail order then please contact my very good friends at Olives Et Al and they will sort you out.  They also sell lots of other very nice food such as Tapenade and lovely Pesto Genovese and lots of lovely goodies for when you have eradicated your Candida.  Please tell them I sent you.

Have a Food Sensitivity Test
If I am going to have to give up a lot of things I like then I want it to be for the shortest time possible.  I used to suggest that people start on the Anti-Candida Diet for a few weeks first and only book in for a food sensitivity test if they didn't seem to be making progress.  However, with experience, it seems to me that almost all Candida sufferers end up developing food sensitivities or allergies so it makes sense to have a test right at the outset.  It is difficult to come to any conclusion about whether food sensitivities cause Candida or  whether  Candida causes food sensitivities but the two certainly seem to go hand in hand.

My preferred method for food sensitivity testing is Vega Analysis (which was the method which established my own food sensitivities).  I have to say that the test is only as good as the person doing it so choose your practitioner with care.  If you don't live in this area then contact Noma Complex Homeopathy for details of practitioners in your locality.
Food sensitivity testing is available by appointment and takes 1.5 hours. I test for 114 foods, 35 vitamins and minerals (and if you are suffering from candida you will most definitely be under par on a number of nutrients, particularly those synthesised by bowel bacteria) and all the E-numbers. Foods tested are listed on the food sensitivity section (you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page). Please check the list and if there are foods you consume regularly that are not listed then these can also be tested. Up to five additional foods can be tested without charge. If you wish to bring more samples then an additional charge will be made (but only if you want to bring your entire food cupboard with you).  Don't forget to bring any supplements your are taking.
Results of the food sensitivity test are immediate and you will be provided with information on conducting an elimination diet. Please phone 0113 3910415 if you would like more information. 

5 Steps to Relief From the Yeast Curse

Purging this harmful and destructive yeast from your body requires patience, perseverance, and a multi-pronged approach.

Step 1: Get your bowels moving and get hydrated
Step 2:  Remove sources of "fuel" for the yeast from your diet
Step 3:  Use supplements and foods to kill the yeast
Step 4:  Cleanse your colon and restore beneficial bacteria balance
Step 5:  Re-build your health (and I can definitely help you with this)

Important Information - Read This Before You Start

The Herxheimer Reaction: Cell Die-off
Some Candida sufferers experience a die-off or Herxheimer reaction as a result of anti-fungal treatment, resulting in symptoms that can include headaches, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, and/or worsening of the symptoms already being experienced. You could also become overly emotional, short-tempered or very low. 

This die-off reaction may be caused by the rapid destruction of yeast, which can overwhelm the body with Candida cells and their toxins. Do not be alarmed, your conditon is not getting worse, it is just a dip before you start to feel better.  In my experience it usually lasts only a couple of days to a week.  If you experience such a reaction take it easy and get lots of rest.  And don't be tempted to reach for sugary snacks, alcohol etc to make you feel better: they won't.

If waste is not eliminated rapidly during your yeast overgrowth detoxification regimen, your colon will simply re-absorb all the toxins accumulating from dead or dying yeast cells. A colonic at this point can be particularly helpful and can make a considerable improvement to how you feel.  By cleansing your colon, fewer toxins will get re-absorbed into your bloodstream from the colon, easing the workload for your other major cleansing organs during this time of added bodily stress.

Activated charcoal is also useful and will help absorb toxins and remove them from your system. 
It is a good idea to take additional fibre to aid the colon cleansing process. I stock an excellent product which contains digestive enzymes, psyllium husk, L-Glutamine (which aids recovery of the gut) and both pro and prebiotics Go Daily

Extreme Herxheimer Reactions
If you feel very ill at the beginning of the cleansing process then you may feel better if you slow down the die off process. Some people will experience a big reaction just by cutting out sugar. If you have an extreme reaction then cut back on supplements, particularly high dose probiotics, and concentrate in the short-term on getting the sugar out of your diet. Your symptoms are likely to settle fairly quickly. Please feel free to call me (Jane) on 0113 3910415 if you want to discuss your reaction, for further advice or even just for some reassurance.  Sometimes people around you will get compassion fatigue, especially if you have been suffering for some time, so if you need someone to talk to then just give me a call (and I really mean that).

Step 1 Beating Candida - Get Your Bowels Moving

You cannot restore normal bowel bacteria if you are constipated (or if you have diarrhoea for that matter).  And you can't get your bowels moving efficiently if you are dehydrated.   Please refer to the sections on this site dedicated to Hydration, Constipation and Diarrhoea.  Colonic irrigation is a powerful way of addressing constipation so consider having at least one session right at the start and have regular colonics throughout the process.

Step 2 - Starve the Yeast Anti Candida Diet - What Not To Eat

While there is no universal anti-fungal diet that will work for everyone, certain foods are best avoided by those prone to yeast infections.

In general, all sugars, baked goods, breads, refined flour, alcohol, vinegars, pickled vegetables, dried fruits, cheeses, and mushrooms (although Shitake mushrooms, which are now widely avilable, are thought to be helpful in fighting yeast) ought to be avoided.

Foods to Avoid:

Sugars and Foods Containing Sugars
All yeasts feed on and derive their energy from sugar, fermenting it to produce ethanol (alcohol) as well as a more serious toxic chemical, acetaldehyde – made during the digestion process.

By reducing the amount of sugar in your diet as well as starches, carbohydrates, and alcohol – which all break down into sugar in the body – you'll be limiting the amount of sugar available to intestinal yeast. 

  • Check food labels for fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, mannitol, sorbitol, and sucrose.  
  • Also avoid honey, maple syrup, agave syrup and molasses.  

There are some schools of thought (and I agree with the idea completely) that also support excluding artificial sweeteners such as Acesuflame K, Aspartame etc. Ridding yourself of a sweet tooth will only happen if you eradicate extreme sweetness from your diet. After a couple of weeks you will become aware of just how sweet such foods as capsicum, carrot and tomatoes can be. 

Do not eat anything which contains High Fructose Corn Syrup (but this applies whether you have candida or not). 

Do not eat fruit at this stage.  Low carbohydrate fruit can be reintroduced in a few weeks time.

Processed Foods
Most processed and packaged foods (bottled, boxed, canned) contain sugar and ought to be eliminated from your diet.

 Refined Carbohydrates 

  • White rice
  • White pasta
  • White bread
  • White flour
  • Potatoes 

Mouldy Foods/Yeast Products
Intestinal yeast overgrowth can result in the development of immune reactions to mould and yeast products, so the elimination of these products is advised:  

  • Alcohol
  • Cheeses, buttermilk, sour cream, and sour milk products
  • Fruit - fresh, tinned or bottled
  • Condiments – vinegar and vinegar-containing foods such as mayonnaise (however make your own mayo without vinegar and its fine), mustard, pickles, relishes, and soy sauce 
  • Dried fruits – apricots, dates, figs, prunes, raisins, etc. 
  • Edible fungi – all types of mushrooms and truffles 
  • Malt products – candy, cereals, and malted milk drinks 

What To Eat in Moderation

Whole Grains:  buckwheat, barley, millet, oats, rice, wheat, amaranth, quinoa

High Carbohydrate Vegetables: beans and pulses, parsnips, peas, squash, sweetcorn, sweet potatoes, and turnips.

What You Can Eat Freely - Candida Diet

For a month, focus your eating habits on:

  • vegetables (lots, aim for 9 - 14 portions per day, especially greens)
  • salad
  • nuts and seeds
  • garlic
  • eggs
  • shitake mushrooms
  • meats (beef, lamb, pork, venison, rabbit)
  • poultry (chicken, turkey, goose, duck)
  • fish
  • shell fish (if you eat prawns stick to those from cold water)
  • cold-pressed oils (flaxseed, rapeseed, olive, sesame, extra virgin coconut oil and sunflower, unrefined palm oil (it's bright red))
  • olives (yummy and deadly to yeast)
  • butter (mainly for flavour)
  • lemon/lime juice (freshly squeezed)

Make sure you eat plenty.  As you will be eating less starchy carbohydrate it is important you eat extra of everything else to avoid feeling hungry (and grumpy).  While you may not enjoy the effects of limiting certain foods forever, the hope is that by eliminating yeast's favourite products from your diet for three or four weeks, your symptoms will decrease, and might have narrowed down the underlying causes of your Candida overgrowth.  You will probably end up feeling so good you will never want to return to your old diet.

Put some thought and effort into making all your meals really delicious.  If you make a salad aim for a variety of colours, textures and flavours - the candida diet does not need to be boring.  Make dressings with lemon or lime and a cold pressed oil plus fresh herbs.  Even dress your cooked veg either with a knob of butter (naughty but nice) or a lemon/lime and oil dressing.  Experiment, live a little, go wild (just don't eat what you know you are not supposed to). 

Step 3 - Kill the Candida
Yeast Balance Kills Candida

So first remove the source of nutrition for the yeast (the sugar) and next we need to kill the yeast.  For some people simply removing sugar will suffice but the vast majority of people will benefit from taking supplements to aid the process.  The whole process is likely to take three to six months depending on severity of the overgrowth.  And once you start feeling better resist the temptation to go back to your old diet.  If you stop too soon the yeast will just pop right back up at you.

Natural Antifungal Products  detox Yeast Balance contains a mix of ingredients which are recommended by a wide variety of practitioners. If you search on the internet you will find that just about every ingredient recommended by anyone for the fight against Candida is included in this formulation.  The formula is based on the famous Dr Christopher preparations and contains:

Calcium Caprylate (Caprylic Acid) 250 mg
Garlic Powder (Deodorised) 25 mg
Aloe Vera Pdr (200 x) 12.5 mg
Cinnamon Bark Pdr 12.5 mg
Lepacho Tea 12.5 mg
Beetroot Fibre 12.5 mg
Thyme Pdr 10 mg
L Acidophilus (from 10 billion) 10 mg
Bifido Bacteria (from 10 billion) 10 mg
Goldenseal Root (4:1) 8 mg
Glucosamine (NAG) from shellfish 7.5 mg
Grapefruit Seed Extract 7.5 mg
Cloves Pdr 7.5 mg
Zinc (Amino Acid Chelated) 5 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 2.5 mg
Manganese (AA Chelated) 1 mg
Oregano 1 mg
Molybdenum 25 mcg

Detox Yeast Balance is one of the most comprehensive products on the market, is very effective and represents very good value for money.  You can also try:

  • Berberine
  • Colloidal silver (an alternative antibiotic - although too much can make you blue like a Smurf so handle with care)
  • Pau d'Arco

Improve Your Digestion

The tough outer cell walls of Candida are comprised of protein and cellulose, which can present a difficult barrier for anti-fungals to penetrate. By using both an antifungal (Yeast Balance) and digestive enzymes (Well Digested) to break down yeast cells' walls – Candida Albican's cell walls are destroyed, enabling the antifungal to act more quickly to destroy the organism. Digestive enzymes also help by improving your digestion leaving less for the yeast to feast on and also reducing gas (which is often caused by undigested food fermenting in your colon and of course the activity of the yeast).  Poor digestion is often a feature of candida so this supplement is essential to the programme.  

Hydrochloric acid is also a powerful defence against bacteria and parasites (which some practitioners consider Candida to be) as it activates pepsin, and works to kill the harmful fungi and bacteria found in food. Low hydrochloric acid or low stomach acid as it is often called, can lead to indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, malabsorption, intestinal distress, and allergic reactions to various foods, all of which severely weaken the immune system.  Low stomach acid is also an open invitation to Helico Bacter Pylori (also know as H Pylori) which is the cause of stomach ulcers.  Taking hydrochloric acid with meals can help our bodies to break down food more effectively, fostering better use of the proteins, vitamins, and minerals in our food. Detox digestive enzymes complex, Well Digested, also contains HCI.

Other Products and Treatment Suggestions:
Other natural yeast treatments include increasing vitamin C and other antioxidant intake.  Natural Vitamin C is a superb product which is from whole foods, is in a highly bio available food state formula (which makes it easier for your body to absorb and use the nutrients and puts less demand on your liver). It has been clinically tested and found to be anti-aging and beneficial for cardiovascular health; Epsom Salts baths to assist in detoxification; lots of pure water to help flush out toxins. Dry skin brushing helps to boost your circulation and stimulates the lymph system aiding the detoxification process. Ionic Aqua Detox also seems to be helpful (30 minute session at detox costs £15 or £10 when you have it with a colonic). 


Step 4 - Cleanse Your Colon - Restore Healthy Intestinal Flora

If you are constipated it is especially important to clean your colon as slow moving, putrefying waste simply encourages more yeast.  There are several methods of colon cleansing.  I have highlighted the benefits and downsides of each method.

Colon Hydrotherapy

A course of colonics will help expedite the removal of toxic waste from your body. This is especially important while treating a yeast overgrowth, as cell die-off can contribute additional waste for your system to cope with. Colonics can quickly remove stale and stagnant waste which may be harbouring hidden colonies of yeast. In addition gas (which is always in abundance when candida is present) and mucous will be removed as well as undigested food(which add to the gas and bloating).

You are likely to feel significantly revived after a colonic; light, fresh and clean, and will be well hydrated with a flatter tummy and no bloating. The colonic will also remove large amounts of candida making it easier to repopulate your colon with healthy bacteria.  The colonic produces the deepest cleanse in the least amount of time. 

Colon Cleansing Products

If you do not wish to have colonics then similar results can be achieved by using herbal or oxygen colon cleanser supplements.  Many colon cleansers on the market are little more than laxatives and will not produce the results you want in that they will not remove old waste.   

Oxy is my favourite colon cleanser and works really well especially when used to help combat Candida.  Oxy contains primarily Magnesium Perioxide and Ascorbic Acid which combine in the digestive tract, mix with the gastric juices and release oxygene in the colon.  Oxy helps to kill Candida and also provides an environment which encourages beneficial bacteria to colonise.  Oxy is very gentle in that it does not cause griping and it is very effective. It is not habit forming and can be used long term without adverse effects.  It needs to be taken on an empty stomach so rather than taking it several times in a day I think it is best either first thing in the morning or last thing at night.  Experiment with the dose and time you take it to find out what works best for you.

Col-Tone A and Col-Tone B - Very effective herbal colon cleansers which can help to restore normal bowel function.  The two can be alternated.  Based on the famous Dr Christopher formulations.  Helpful where constipation is an issue.

Natural TNT - Quick herbal colon cleanser great for stubborn or persistent constipation.  Can also be used for one day cleanses for example at the beginning of your Candida Programme.  (To do a one day cleanse take only liquids, take psyllium husk three times per day together with two Natural TNT capsules).

All the colon cleansers can be used alone or in combination with each other (Oxy and TNT work well together when you are keen to get going!) They are all also useful preparation for a colonic and can create much bigger results.

Home Enemas

Home enema kits are brilliant and could not be simpler to use.  All you have to do is fill it up with warm water, sit on the loo, pop the spout in the bottom and allow the water to drain out of the bag into your rectum.  You then retain the water for as long as you can (sometimes to leave the spout in place until you are ready to release is easier) before letting it go.  The water softens matter in the lower portion of your colon and stimulates peristalsis so you can evacuate quite large amounts of waste.  Clearly an enema has limited range but it assists with hydration (you absorb twice as much liquid through your colon as through your stomach), you can repeat the process as often as you like, you do it at home in the privacy of your own loo, cost is minimal and its a great way to keep your bowels moving.  You can use enemas in conjunction with all the colon cleansers and in between colonics to boost the results.

Step 5 - Restore Your Intestinal Flora and Overall Wellbeing

I recommend that you implement Step 5 around the end of week 2 of the programme.  By now you will have established whether you have any food sensitivities, got into your new diet, got your bowels moving, improved digestion and hydration and introduced some good bacteria to help combat candida.  Its now time to start restoring the Beneficial Bacteria in your colon and working on boosting your general health and wellbeing.

Probiotics - Essential in the Fight Against Candida

The opposite of the term antibiotics, probiotics, are antagonistic to Candida and other yeasts. Yeasts in the colon deplete nutrients, and ferment foods, which often leads to gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort, and flatulence.

Though there are numerous types of friendly bacteria strains, Lactobacillus acidophilus is the probiotic primarily recommended to fight Candida in the gut. By re-populating the colon with healthy bacteria, you will help to minimize many of the intestinal and digestive symptoms of yeast overgrowth.

Lactobacillus acidophilus helps to prevent yeast in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and mouth. It can also help prevent and treat food allergies by decreasing the production of the antibodies, which are produced by the body as protection against foods it believes are allergens.

Yeast Balance contains Lactobacillus acidophilus so you if you are following the Detox Anti-Canhdida Programme you will already be taking it.  

 It is also important however to provide your digestive tract with other strains of bacteria. Your digestive tract becomes less acidic the further away from your satomach it gets. For example Bifidum bacterium, an alkaline forming bacteria, lives in your colon which is a mildly alkaline environment (when it is healthy). For this reason, detox Yeast Balance contains Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidum Bacterium and Probiotic Max, Beneficial Bacteria and Go Daily all contain eight different strains of  bacteria providing full spectrum support for your digestive trtact.

You will also benefit from supporting your gut to produce it’s own bacteria by consuming sauerkraut (make it yourself though because shop bought sauerkraut is unlikely to be live), garlic, onions, artichoke, goji berries and lots of leafy greens which all help your gut to produce and support it’s own bacteria. Go Daily also contains vegetable prebiotics to perform this function.

Since food sensitivities are often experienced by people struggling with chronic Candida, part of any treatment regimen ought to include probiotics. Additionally, whenever antibiotic medication is necessary, it makes sense to use a high dose probiotic once the course of antibiotics is completed.
Optimal Health Supplements

Because yeast overgrowth depletes the nutrients in your body, it is necessary to incorporate a strong digestive support multi-vitamin into your yeast overgrowth regimen.
In addition to a high quality multi-vitamin that includes vitamin A, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, other specific nutritional support is recommended:

Whole Food Multi Vitamin - to support healthy digestion
Nutrigold Vitamin C - to support digestion (Hydrochloric Acid is inactive without vitamin c)Antioxidant Supreme – to help the body deal with toxic by-products; improves immune functioning
Organic germanium – to aid in immune support and improve gut mucosa
Nutrigold Supamag Plus or Calcium Magnesium Complex– some research links yeast overgrowth with magnesium deficiency - my favourite way of replenishing magensium is to soak in a bath with two cups for Epsom Salts for a minimum of 12 minutes three times per week
Nutrigold Multi B Complex - to replace the vitamins normally produced by colon bacteria
Coenzyme Q10 – is believed to be effective in treating yeast overgrowth
Echinacea – to enhance immune system activity; provides antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties
Pure Hemp Oil, Smart Omegas, Antarctic Krill, Flaxseed Oil- are all excellent sources of essential fatty acids; effective as a fungicide, fatty acids dislodge and kill deep-rooted Candida albicans

NB: Food Sensitivity Testing at detox also includes testing for 35 vitamins and minerals so you can identify particular nutrients you are short on. You can be tested for vitamin and mineral deficiencies alone for £35 although if you have deficiencies it would then make sense to have a full test. 

Other Products and Treatment Suggestions:
I now stock an amazing Optimal Heaslth Supplement which can replace all the other suggested supplements and can be taken for life with the aim of increasing your healthspan (meaning that you stave off the onset of age related deterioration).  If you would like to know more about the only supplement in the world that you can test whether its doing anything for you or not then give me a call - it has to be seen to be believed.

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